Tuesday, January 03, 2006

false alarm

OK, so maybe the good luck did set in. The blue-screen-of-death scare that I wrote about yesterday has dissipated. My old laptop is working properly, but just to be sure I'm backing up all my files--including the 30 gigs worth of music I have on my hard drive. Turns out that it had to do with my very temperamental wireless card. I just popped it out of the one card slot and stuck it in the other, and--voila!--no blue screen of death. This isn't to say that I don't need a new computer. I always need brand new, shiny electronics, so I'll take your advice, lecram, and troll tiger direct.

This afternoon John and I went to see the new Harry Potter flick. Not the least bit disappointing, although the poor actress who plays Hermione is still struggling with her furrowed brows and fed up harrumphs. The boys who play Harry and Ron are really getting good, however. I think my favorite scene was the one in which Moaning Myrtle joins Harry for a bubble bath. And did anyone guess that that was Jarvis Cocker heading up the band at the ball?

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