Monday, December 20, 2004

Welcome to Whiffle Ball

It's as though Captain Whiffle threw a ball! And nobody came!

1 comment:

Captain Whiffle said...

So, it be about time. I like the *idea* of blogs, apparently more than I do the *practicum* of blogs. Anyhoo, I've been wanting some sort of pomo journal, and this seems like a good medium. Speaking of Medium, I like that show, but is our psychic friend on the network a conservative? She seems in favor of the death penalty. Do we care? Should we bother? I'm not sure I'm up for it. I'm not that kind of fan, I guess.

What's my favorite song at the moment? I guess I'm bouncing my head to "Daft Punk is Playing at My House." I love that the singer (is there only one?) of LCD Soundsystem sounds like he has a stuffed up nose. "Dnaft Punk is Playing at Mny nHouse..nmy nhouse." I wanna give the dude an aloe-infused tissue.